XBMC Installer Deluxe for Windows

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Current revision as of 03:58, 19 April 2020

Latest Version

Latest Version: v1.11
Download it from our Downloads Section


This installer is a collection of the main XBMC program, plus several popular Skins and Scripts.

Also included is the "XBMC Backup/Restore" program which I created. It will allow you to back up an restore your Data files for XBMC, a nice solution for if you need to reinstall XBMC or Windows.

Basically all you have to do is select a location for either the backup to be loaded from (or the path to backup the data to) and the program does the rest.

Please note you will need .NET Framework 2.0 in order to use the Backup/Restore program.


XBMC Applications:

  • XBMC (for OpenGL)
  • XBMC (for DirectX)
  • XBMC Backup/Restore v1.0


v1.11 (2010-03-14)

  • Updated XBMC SVN to r9793cbe (DirectX) and r35744 (OpenGL)
  • Updated with more Plugins, Scripts, and Skins

v1.10 (2010-12-08)

  • Updated XBMC SVN to r35584 (DirectX) and r35586 (OpenGL)
  • Updated most current Skins, Scripts, and Plugins

v1.01 (2010-04-07)

  • Updated XBMC to SVN r29030
  • Updated all the SVN Skins up to rv2700

v1.0 (2010-01-31)

  • Initial Release.

This page was last modified on 19 April 2020, at 03:58. This page has been accessed 40,760 times.

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