AID Manual Appendix F

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(Table of Contents)

Current revision as of 13:34, 18 August 2009

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Features
- Contents of the Auto-Installer
- Features of the Auto-Installer
Chapter 3: Preparing the AID disc on your PC
- Extracting the AID Archive
- Using the AID ISO Updater Program
- The AID Addon / Update Packs
Chapter 4: Burning the ISO with DVD Decrypter
Chapter 5: The AID Main Menu
Chapter 6: Preparing your Xbox Hard Drive
- Backup / Restore your Hard Drive
- Format / Prepare your Hard Drive
Chapter 7: One-Click Installs
- Modchip Users
- Softmod Users
Chapter 8: Installing Dashboards
- Installing the Microsoft Dashboard
- Installing a Hacked Dashboard
Chapter 9: Installing Applications and Emulators
- Installing Applications
- Installing Emulators
Chapter 10: Rom Installer Section
Chapter 11: The Softmod Section
- Single Boot Softmod Options
- Dual Boot Softmod Options
- Unmounting the Virtual C Drive
- Removing the SID Softmod from your Xbox

Chapter 12: The Advanced Options / Tools Section

- Installing AID to HDD
- Installing SID to HDD or Memory Card
- BIOS Checker
- BIOS Flasher
- Chimp
- ConfigMagic
- Enigmah NTSC-PAL Video Switcher
- Phoenix BIOS Loader (PBL)
- Xbpartitioner
- XSelect
Appendix A: Xbox Error Codes
Appendix B: Xbox Media Compatibility
Appendix C: Xbox DVD Drive Identification
Appendix D: Menu Structure
Appendix E: File Locations on the ISO
Appendix F: Setting up your Debug Xbox
Appendix G: Softmodding Tutorials
- Hard Drive Upgrade using a Modchipped Xbox
- Hard Drive Upgrade using a PC
- Hotswap Tutorial - Recover a HDD without Eeprom Backup
- Hard Drive Cloning using Chimp
Appendix H: What do all these Applications do?
Appendix I: Modifying the AID ISO with Addon Packs
- Creating Addon Packs
- Creating Skin Packs
- Creating Romsets
Appendix J: Using the right ROMs for the right Emulators
Appendix K: Using USB Devices for SID
- The USB -> Xbox Cable
- Preparing the USB Device to use with Action Replay

Appendix F: Setting up your Debug Xbox

Firstly you need to obtain a copy of the Xbox Development Kit (XDK). It is available on most of the P2P (Peer-to-Peer) file sharing networks so it shouldn’t be too hard to find. The version you want to get is either XBOX SDK 5849 December 2003-COMPLEX or XBOX.XDK.5933.UNOFFICIAL-WAM. Also, please don’t ask any of us for it as we will simply ignore you. Not meaning to be harsh or rude by doing this, but this is something you must do for yourself.

Once you’ve obtained this, install the XDK setup file XDKSetup5xxx.exe. This will put all the necessary files on your PC. Now, extract XDKRecovery5xxx.exe using WinRAR (Do not try to install this). You’ll need to copy these files to your Xbox; the table below shows what files you need.

Source (PC) Destination (Xbox) Files to Copy / Notes
\XDASH \C\ xshell.xbe only
\XDASH\data \C\data All files, recursive
\XDASH\images \C\images All files, recursive
\XDASH\media \C\media All files, recursive
\XDASH\sounds \C\sounds All files, recursive
\XDKSAMPLES \C\XDKSAMPLES All files, recursive
\XBOX \E\ dashboard.xbx and xbdm.dll
\DEVKIT \E\DEVKIT All files, recursive
\TDATA \E\TDATA All files, recursive

Now, you have to create a file called xbdm.ini, and place it in \E\DEVKIT.

Edit xbdm.ini like this:

 dbgname name=XXXX
 staticip addr=5200A8C0
 memtrack flags=0x0 stackdepth=0x0

XXX is the name you want to give to your Xbox (i.e.: Xbox) and EEDDCCBBAA is the static IP address you want.

Be careful don't write your IP as usual, you must type it in hexadecimal, and from right to left. For example, instead of typing you have to write 5200A8C0 (it works by pair 192 is equal to C0 in hexadecimal etc.... look at the colours). The easiest way to convert Decimal values in hexadecimal is to use the calculator in windows, using scientific mode. To access this, open up the calculator and select View -> Scientific.

Next, you have to have to edit the file dashboard.xbx located on your Xbox’s E Drive (or in \XBOX on your PC).

Firstly, grab a Hex Editor (such as Hex Workshop) and open the file, the reason why we are editing it with a hex editor is because it won’t work using Notepad or WordPad.

You’ll see this line in the file: \Device\Harddisk0\Partition2;xshell.xbe.

You have to edit this so it will boot a dashboard of your choice.

Firstly change the Partition number. The numbers are as follows: 2 boots C, 1 boots E, 6 boots F, and 7 boots G.

Secondly, edit the name of the file which will be booted (for example, change xshell.xbe to evoxdash.xbe). If you still want to have the XDK Dashboard you can easily just add a link in your dashboard to launch xshell.xbe from C Drive.

Here are some examples:

\Device\Harddisk0\Partition2;evoxdash.xbe - Boots evoxdash.xbe from C Drive
\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1;evoxdash.xbe - Boots evoxdash.xbe from E Drive
\Device\Harddisk0\Partition6;evoxdash.xbe - Boots evoxdash.xbe from F Drive
\Device\Harddisk0\Partition7;evoxdash.xbe - Boots evoxdash.xbe from G Drive

That’s the hardest part done…

Once that is all done, go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Xbox SDK\Xbox\bin on your PC and install the 2 following programs (Note: you will need Administrator’s Privileges to install these)


Once you’ve installed these programs, you should see this icon on your desktop:

Once you’ve installed these programs, you should see this icon on your desktop:

When this appears, double-click on it and it will take you to your Xbox Neighborhood.

The first thing to do is to set it up with your Xbox, which can easily be done by selecting Add Xbox. Type in your IP Address for your Xbox when prompted, and when it asks is this the default Xbox, say Yes.

In order to get the Xbox to boot in Debug mode, you need to use the Phoenix BIOS Loader. I have already included a debug bios as the 2nd booting BIOS, so to start your Xbox in Debug mode, turn your Xbox on (with the modchip on of course), then as soon as you see something on your Monitor / TV, open your DVD Drive Tray, this will tell PBL that you want to use the 2nd BIOS, which is of course the Debug BIOS.

Once you have this installed, there are so many more capabilities of your Xbox. Here are 3 of the most common uses:

- Developing your own Xbox software and being able to use full remote debugging facilities
- Screen grabbing and movie grabbing
- Reverse engineering software (for making game trainers, etc)

So in general, normal gamers will not have to worry about using this, as it’s only for developers and advanced enthusiasts.

This page was last modified on 18 August 2009, at 13:34. This page has been accessed 11,590 times.

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