AID Manual Appendix J

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Features
- Contents of the Auto-Installer
- Features of the Auto-Installer
Chapter 3: Preparing the AID disc on your PC
- Extracting the AID Archive
- Using the AID ISO Updater Program
- The AID Addon / Update Packs
Chapter 4: Burning the ISO with DVD Decrypter
Chapter 5: The AID Main Menu
Chapter 6: Preparing your Xbox Hard Drive
- Backup / Restore your Hard Drive
- Format / Prepare your Hard Drive
Chapter 7: One-Click Installs
- Modchip Users
- Softmod Users
Chapter 8: Installing Dashboards
- Installing the Microsoft Dashboard
- Installing a Hacked Dashboard
Chapter 9: Installing Applications and Emulators
- Installing Applications
- Installing Emulators
Chapter 10: Rom Installer Section
Chapter 11: The Softmod Section
- Single Boot Softmod Options
- Dual Boot Softmod Options
- Unmounting the Virtual C Drive
- Removing the SID Softmod from your Xbox

Chapter 12: The Advanced Options / Tools Section

- Installing AID to HDD
- Installing SID to HDD or Memory Card
- BIOS Checker
- BIOS Flasher
- Chimp
- ConfigMagic
- Enigmah NTSC-PAL Video Switcher
- Phoenix BIOS Loader (PBL)
- Xbpartitioner
- XSelect
Appendix A: Xbox Error Codes
Appendix B: Xbox Media Compatibility
Appendix C: Xbox DVD Drive Identification
Appendix D: Menu Structure
Appendix E: File Locations on the ISO
Appendix F: Setting up your Debug Xbox
Appendix G: Softmodding Tutorials
- Hard Drive Upgrade using a Modchipped Xbox
- Hard Drive Upgrade using a PC
- Hotswap Tutorial - Recover a HDD without Eeprom Backup
- Hard Drive Cloning using Chimp
Appendix H: What do all these Applications do?
Appendix I: Modifying the AID ISO with Addon Packs
- Creating Addon Packs
- Creating Skin Packs
- Creating Romsets
Appendix J: Using the right ROMs for the right Emulators
Appendix K: Using USB Devices for SID
- The USB -> Xbox Cable
- Preparing the USB Device to use with Action Replay

Appendix J: Using the right ROMs for the right Emulators

Below is a list I have put together which shows what system / console can be emulated by each particular emulator in this package.

The first column in this chart shows the System or Console that is emulated.
The second column shows the Romset name for this System or Console. You can find this file at \Files\Roms\ on the ISO.
The third column shows the Emulator used to run the Romsets.

Arcade / Console Romset Filename Emulator
Adam adam AdamxX
Amstrad CPC cpc ArnoldX
Apple II + aiiplus KEGS-X
Apple II C aiic KEGS-X
Apple II E aiie KEGS-X
Apple II GS aiigs KEGS-X
Arcade Laserdisc daphne DaphneX
Atari 130 a130 AtariXLBox
Atari 2600 a2600 Z26X
Atari 320 a320 AtariXLBox
Atari 5200 a5200 AtariXLBox
Atari 7800 a7800 Atari7800x
Atari 800 a800 AtariXLBox
Atari Lynx lynx MednafenX-Lynx
Atari ST ast WinSTonX
Atari XE axe AtariXLBox
Atari XL axl AtariXLBox
BlueMSX bluemsx BlueMSXBox
ColecoVision colecovision AdamxX
Commodore 64 c64 Vice64x
Commodore Amiga amiga WinUAEX
Commodore PET pet VicePETX
Commodore VIC-20 vic20 Vice20x
Gameboy Advance gba XBoyAdvance
Intellivision intellivision BlissX
Mac Plus macp XMac
MAME mame MAMEdoX , MAMEoX128 Plus
MC68000 mc68000 FBA-XXX, FBA-XXX Pro
MS-DOS dos DOSXbox
NeoGeo ng FBA-XXX, FBA-XXX Pro
NeoGeo Pocket Color ngpc NeoPopX
Nintendo nes FCEUltraX, MednafenX-NES
Nintendo 64 n64 Surreal 64
Odyssey 2 o2roms OdysseyX
PCE pce MednafenX-PCE
ScummVM scummvm ScummVMx
Sega 32x s32x NeoGenesis
Sega CD scd NeoGenesis
Sega Game Gear sgg MekaX
Sega Genesis sg NeoGenesis
Sega Master System sms MekaX
Sega Mega CD smcd NeoGenesis
Sega Mega Drive smd NeoGenesis
Sega MK3 smk3 MekaX
Sega SC-3000 sc3000 MekaX, SC3X
Sega SF-7000 sf7000 MekaX
Sega SG-1000 sg1000 MekaX
Sierra sierra SarienX
Sony Playstation 1 psx Pcsxbox
Super Nintendo snes xSnes9x, ZSnesxbox
TG16 tg16 MednafenX-PCE
Thomson TO7-70 to770 XThom
Vectrex vectrex XVectrex
Virtual Boy virtualboy VirtualBoyX
X68000 x68000 x68000x
Z80 z80 FBA-XXX, FBA-XXX Pro
ZX Spectrum spectrum SpeXtrum
ZX81 zx81 Xzx81
This page was last modified on 18 August 2009, at 13:53. This page has been accessed 13,820 times.

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