This is how to burn the ISO file with DVD Decrypter. Before proceeding, make sure you have an updated version of DVD Decrypter ( or higher).
This program is considered Freeware so it is distributed with this package. You can find DVD Decrypter v3.5.4.0 here.
Firstly, open DVD Decrypter, then press the W button. This is a shortcut to the ISO Writing Screen. Alternatively you can go to Tools, Select ISO, and then Write on the submenu box that the menu pops up. When this screen appears you can either browse for your ISO file, or just drag and drop it into the window. Now, before proceeding (which is click on the HDD to DVD icon) make sure you have the verify box ticked and the Write Speed set at a low speed, to ensure that is burned properly.
Once this is all done you can proceed to burn your CD-RW / DVD. If you start receiving write errors while burning, try a lower writing speed.
This page was last modified on 4 June 2010, at 09:43.This page has been accessed 22,320 times.