AID Manual Appendix D

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Features
- Contents of the Auto-Installer
- Features of the Auto-Installer
Chapter 3: Preparing the AID disc on your PC
- Extracting the AID Archive
- Using the AID ISO Updater Program
- The AID Addon / Update Packs
Chapter 4: Burning the ISO with DVD Decrypter
Chapter 5: The AID Main Menu
Chapter 6: Preparing your Xbox Hard Drive
- Backup / Restore your Hard Drive
- Format / Prepare your Hard Drive
Chapter 7: One-Click Installs
- Modchip Users
- Softmod Users
Chapter 8: Installing Dashboards
- Installing the Microsoft Dashboard
- Installing a Hacked Dashboard
Chapter 9: Installing Applications and Emulators
- Installing Applications
- Installing Emulators
Chapter 10: Rom Installer Section
Chapter 11: The Softmod Section
- Single Boot Softmod Options
- Dual Boot Softmod Options
- Unmounting the Virtual C Drive
- Removing the SID Softmod from your Xbox

Chapter 12: The Advanced Options / Tools Section

- Installing AID to HDD
- Installing SID to HDD or Memory Card
- BIOS Checker
- BIOS Flasher
- Chimp
- ConfigMagic
- Enigmah NTSC-PAL Video Switcher
- Phoenix BIOS Loader (PBL)
- Xbpartitioner
- XSelect
Appendix A: Xbox Error Codes
Appendix B: Xbox Media Compatibility
Appendix C: Xbox DVD Drive Identification
Appendix D: Menu Structure
Appendix E: File Locations on the ISO
Appendix F: Setting up your Debug Xbox
Appendix G: Softmodding Tutorials
- Hard Drive Upgrade using a Modchipped Xbox
- Hard Drive Upgrade using a PC
- Hotswap Tutorial - Recover a HDD without Eeprom Backup
- Hard Drive Cloning using Chimp
Appendix H: What do all these Applications do?
Appendix I: Modifying the AID ISO with Addon Packs
- Creating Addon Packs
- Creating Skin Packs
- Creating Romsets
Appendix J: Using the right ROMs for the right Emulators
Appendix K: Using USB Devices for SID
- The USB -> Xbox Cable
- Preparing the USB Device to use with Action Replay

Appendix D: Menu Structure

This shows the menu structure of the Auto-Installer, the text in bold represents a sub-section in this menu.

Backup / Restore HDD

Backup / Restore C
Backup to E:\Backup\
Backup to F:\Backup\
Backup to G:\Backup\
Restore from...
Delete from...
Backup / Restore E
Backup to F:\Backup\
Backup to G:\Backup\
Restore from...
Delete from...
Backup / Restore F
Backup to E:\Backup\
Backup to G:\Backup\
Restore from...
Delete from...
Backup / Restore G
Backup to E:\Backup\
Backup to F:\Backup\
Restore from...
Delete from...
Backup Cache
Backup to E:\Backup\
Backup to F:\Backup\
Backup to G:\Backup\
Delete from...
Backup / Restore Gamesaves
Backup to E:\Backup\
Backup to F:\Backup\
Backup to G:\Backup\
Restore from...
Delete from...
Backup Eeprom
Delete Eeprom Backup
Create MS Backup from AID
Delete MS Backup

Format / Prepare HDD

Format Retail HDD
Format Large HDD
Format Cache Drives (X, Y, and Z)
Format C Drive
Format E Drive
Format F Drive
Format G Drive
Prepare E Drive
Prepare F Drive
Prepare G Drive

Modchip One-Click Installs

Setup with Anod-X Dash
Setup with Avalaunch Dash
Setup with EvolutionX Dash
Setup with UnleashX Dash
Setup with XBMC Dash
Setup with XSelect + UnleashX Dash

Softmod One-Click Installs

Single Boot no Virtual C
...same as above
Single Boot with Virtual C
...same as above
Dual Boot Gamesave with Virtual C
...same as above
Dual Boot MS Dash with Virtual C
...same as above

Dashboard Section

Install MS Dash 5960
Install C Drive Dashboards
Install Anod-X
Retail HDD (E)
Large HDD (E+F)
Larger HDD (E+F+G)
Install AvaLaunch
Retail HDD (E)
Large HDD (E+F)
Larger HDD (E+F+G)
Install EvolutionX
Retail HDD (E)
Large HDD (E+F)
Larger HDD (E+F+G)
Install UnleashX
Retail HDD (E)
Large HDD (E+F)
Larger HDD (E+F+G)
Install Xbox Media Center
Retail HDD (E)
Large HDD (E+F)
Larger HDD (E+F+G)
Install X-DSL
Install E Drive Dashboards
...same as above
Install F Drive Dashboards
Install Anod-X
Large HDD (E+F)
Larger HDD (E+F+G)
Install AvaLaunch
Large HDD (E+F)
Larger HDD (E+F+G)
Install EvolutionX
Large HDD (E+F)
Larger HDD (E+F+G)
Install UnleashX
Large HDD (E+F)
Larger HDD (E+F+G)
Install Xbox Media Center
Large HDD (E+F)
Larger HDD (E+F+G)
Install X-DSL
Install G Drive Dashboards
Install Anod-X
Larger HDD (E+F+G)
Install AvaLaunch
Larger HDD (E+F+G)
Install EvolutionX
Larger HDD (E+F+G)
Install UnleashX
Larger HDD (E+F+G)
Install Xbox Media Center
Larger HDD (E+F+G)
Install X-DSL
Install C Drive Dashboards (Softmod)
...same as above
Install E Drive Dashboards (Softmod)
...same as above
Install F Drive Dashboards (Softmod)
...same as above
Install G Drive Dashboards (Softmod)
...same as above
Uninstall C Drive Dashboards
Uninstall Anod-X
Uninstall Avalaunch
Uninstall EvolutionX
Uninstall UnleashX
Uninstall Xbox Media Center
Uninstall E Drive Dashboards
...same as above
Uninstall F Drive Dashboards
...same as above
Uninstall G Drive Dashboards
...same as above

Install Applications

Install to E Drive
Install Dashboards
Install Dashboards (Softmod)
Install All Applications
Install BiosCheck
Install BoXplorer
Install ConfigMagic
Install Complex Tools
Install Dvd2XboX
Install DVD-X 1.0 (Gueux)
Install DVD-X 2.0 (Xecuter)
Install Enigmah NTSC-PAL
Install Halo Cache Editor
Install HDDLoader
Install LinksBoks
Install Mimesis
Install MouseTestApp
Install PBL MeToo
Install X2 Config Tool
Install X3 Eeprom Eraser
Install xCbr:
Install XBFTP
Install Xbox Media Center
Install Xbpartitioner
Install XBWatch
Install XCommanderR2
Install X-DSL
Install XeniumTest
Install Xored Trainer Launcher
Install XToolbox
Install YAMP
Install to F Drive
...same as above
Install to G Drive
...same as above

Uninstall Applications

Uninstall From E Drive
Uninstall All Applications
Uninstall BiosCheck
Uninstall BoXplorer
Uninstall ConfigMagic
Uninstall Complex Tools
Uninstall Dvd2XboX
Uninstall DVD-X 1.0 (Gueux)
Uninstall DVD-X 2.0 (Xecuter)
Uninstall Enigmah NTSC-PAL
Uninstall Halo Cache Editor
Uninstall HDDLoader
Uninstall LinksBoks
Uninstall Mimesis
Uninstall MouseTestApp
Uninstall PBL MeToo
Uninstall X2 Config Tool
Uninstall X3 Eeprom Eraser
Uninstall xCbr:
Uninstall XBFTP
Uninstall Xbox Media Center
Uninstall Xbpartitioner
Uninstall XBWatch
Uninstall XCommanderR2
Uninstall X-DSL
Uninstall XeniumTest
Uninstall Xored Trainer Launcher
Uninstall XToolbox
Uninstall YAMP
Uninstall from F Drive
...same as above
Uninstall from G Drive
...same as above

Install Emulators

Install to E Drive
Install All Emulators
Install AdamxX
Install ArnoldX
Install Atari7800x
Install AtariXLBox
Install BlissX
Install BlueMSXBox
Install DaphneX
Install DOSXbox
Install FBA-XXX
Install FBA-XXX Pro
Install FCEUltraX
Install KEGS-X
Install MAMEdoX
Install MAMEoX128 Plus
Install MednafenX-Lynx
Install MednafenX-NES
Install MednafenX-PCE
Install NeoGenesis
Install NeoPopX
Install OdysseyX
Install Pcsxbox
Install SarienX
Install SC3X
Install ScummVMx
Install SMSPlusX
Install SpeXtrum
Install Surreal64
Install Vice20x
Install Vice64x
Install VicePETX
Install VirtualBoyX
Install WinSTonX
Install WinUAEX
Install X68000X
Install XBoyAdvance
Install XMac
Install xSnes9x
Install XThom
Install XVectrex
Install XZX81
Install z26x
Install ZSnesxbox
Install to F Drive
...same as above
Install to G Drive
...same as above
Uninstall from E Drive
Uninstall All Emulators
Uninstall AdamxX
Uninstall ArnoldX
Uninstall Atari7800x
Uninstall AtariXLBox
Uninstall BlissX
Uninstall BlueMSXBox
Uninstall DaphneX
Uninstall DOSXbox
Uninstall FBAXXX
Uninstall FCEUltraX
Uninstall KEGS-X
Uninstall MAMEdoX
Uninstall MAMEoX128 Plus
Uninstall MednafenX-Lynx
Uninstall MednafenX-NES
Uninstall MednafenX-PCE
Uninstall NeoGenesis
Uninstall NeoPopX
Uninstall OdysseyX
Uninstall Pcsxbox
Uninstall SarienX
Uninstall SC3X
Uninstall ScummVMx
Uninstall SMSPlusX
Uninstall SpeXtrum
Uninstall Surreal64
Uninstall Vice20x
Uninstall Vice64x
Uninstall VicePETX
Uninstall VirtualBoyX
Uninstall WinSTonX
Uninstall WinUAEX
Uninstall X68000X
Uninstall XBoyAdvance
Uninstall XMac
Uninstall xSnes9x
Uninstall XThom
Uninstall XVectrex
Uninstall XZX81
Uninstall z26x
Uninstall ZSnesxbox
Uninstall from F Drive
...same as above
Uninstall from G Drive
...same as above

Rom Installer Section

Install to E Drive
Install ROMs for AdamxX
Install ROMs for ArnoldX
Install ROMs for Atari7800x
Install ROMs for AtariXLBox
Install ROMs for BlissX
Install ROMs for BlueMSXBox
Install ROMs for DaphneX
Install ROMs for DOSXbox
Install ROMs for FBA-XXX
Install ROMs for FBA-XXX Pro
Install ROMs for FCEUltraX
Install ROMs for KEGS-X
Install ROMs for MAMEdoX
Install ROMs for MAMEoX128 Plus
Install ROMs for MednafenX-Lynx
Install ROMs for MednafenX-NES
Install ROMs for MednafenX-PCE
Install ROMs for NeoGenesis
Install ROMs for NeoPopX
Install ROMs for OdysseyX
Install ROMs for Pcsxbox
Install ROMs for SarienX
Install ROMs for SC3X
Install ROMs for ScummVMx
Install ROMs for SMSPlusX
Install ROMs for SpeXtrum
Install ROMs for Surreal64
Install ROMs for Vice20x
Install ROMs for Vice64x
Install ROMs for VicePETX
Install ROMs for VirtualBoyX
Install ROMs for WinSTonX
Install ROMs for WinUAEX
Install ROMs for X68000X
Install ROMs for XBoyAdvance
Install ROMs for XMac
Install ROMs for xSnes9x
Install ROMs for XThom
Install ROMs for XVectrex
Install ROMs for XZX81
Install ROMs for z26x
Install ROMs for ZSnesxbox
Install to F Drive
...same as above
Install to G Drive
...same as above

Softmod Options

Install Single Boot Softmod
Install Anod-X Dashboard
Install Avalaunch
Install EvolutionX Dashboard
Install UnleashX Dashboard
Install Xbox Media Center Dashboard
Install X-DSL Dashboard
Standard for HD
...same as above
Virtual C + Eeprom
...same as above
Virtual C + Eeprom for HD
...same as above
Install Dual Boot Softmod
Hacked Dash / Softmod Menu
...same as above
Standard for HD
...same as above
Virtual C + Eeprom
...same as above
Virtual C + Eeprom for HD
...same as above
Hacked Dash / MS Dash
Virtual C + Eeprom
...same as above
Virtual C + Eeprom for HD
...same as above
Unmount Virtual C Drive
Remove Softmod

Advanced Options / Tools

Install AID to HDD (Changes from Install to Remove once installed to HDD)
Install to E Drive
Install to F Drive
Install to G Drive
Install PBL MeToo
Install PBL
Install to C Drive
Install to E Drive
Install to F Drive
Install to G Drive
Install PBL Dual-Boot
Install to C Drive
Install to E Drive
Install to F Drive
Install to G Drive
Install BFM BIOS #1
Boot MS Dashboard
Install to C Drive
Install to E Drive
Install to F Drive
Install to G Drive
EvoX M8+ C, E, G
Install to E Drive
Install to F Drive
Install to G Drive
EvoX M8+ C, F, G
Install to E Drive
Install to F Drive
Install to G Drive
EvoX M8+ E, F, G
Install to C Drive
Install to F Drive
Install to G Drive
EvoX M8+ F, E, C
Install to C Drive
Install to E Drive
Install to G Drive
EvoX M8+ G, F, E
Install to C Drive
Install to E Drive
Install to F Drive
Complex Debug (Xbox 1.0-1.4)
Install to C Drive
Install to E Drive
Install to F Drive
Install to G Drive
Gueux Debug (Xbox 1.5+)
Install to C Drive
Install to E Drive
Install to F Drive
Install to G Drive
Install BFM BIOS #2
...same as above
Remove PBL
Remove from C Drive
Remove from E Drive
Remove from F Drive
Remove from G Drive
Install SID 5
007 Agent under Fire
Install to HDD
Install to Memory Card 1A
Install to Memory Card 1B
Install to Memory Card 2A
Install to Memory Card 2B
Install to Memory Card 3A
Install to Memory Card 3B
Install to Memory Card 4A
Install to Memory Card 4B
...same as above
Splinter Cell (NTSC)
...same as above
Splinter Cell (PAL)
...same as above
Install / Remove XSelect
Install to C Drive
Install to E Drive
Install to F Drive
Install to G Drive
Remove from C Drive
Remove from E Drive
Remove from F Drive
Remove from G Drive
BIOS Checker
BIOS Flasher (when using the BIOS Addon Pack)
Boot Dashboards
Boot Microsoft Dashboard
Boot Microsoft Dashboard (Softmod)
Boot C Drive Dashboard
Boot E Drive Dashboard
Boot F Drive Dashboard
Boot G Drive Dashboard
DVD Tray Open
DVD Tray Close
MS Dash DVD RegionFree On
MS Dash DVD RegionFree Off
NTSC-PAL Video Changer
Reset FTP
Reset Network

File Manager
Restart Xbox
Turn off Xbox

This page was last modified on 18 August 2009, at 13:33. This page has been accessed 11,735 times.

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